Midland, Michigan, May 2015 – Greater Michigan Construction Academy (GMCA) is excited to announce it is the recipient of a $317,000 grant to construct a welding lab within the GMCA Midland Training Center to support Midland County high school students.
With the demand for quality, certified welders increasing not only in Michigan but across the United States, the need to offer a high-level training lab has been a priority for GMCA leadership. A grant was submitted to The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation for funding of this lab and notification of the award was received last week.
” I’m so humbled by this grant and thrilled about the opportunity to provide world class skilled trades training to Midland County students. This grant provides a huge boost to ensure that happened. We’ll make our community proud of the outcomes for years to come”. said Jimmy Greene, President/CEO ABC Greater Michigan Chapter and Greater Michigan Construction Academy.
Stephanie Davis, GMCA Director of Education also commented, “Creating a top notch welding lab in our facility has been something that has been on our list of needs since we moved into our new
training facility three years ago. We are extremely excited to finally be able to offer this type of training! Not only as a standalone welding curriculum but also as additional hands-on training for a variety of trades that need welding skills to succeed and excel.”
Welding is one of the few career choices that is always in high demand. Since welding is used in almost every industry, welders have the flexibility to switch industries without changing careers. The investment exemplifies our foundation’s commitment to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education and training.” said Mike Whiting, President of The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a five percent job growth for welders for the decade from 2006 to 2016. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average age of workers in the skilled trades – including welders – is 58 to 60 years old. In the next five to ten years, many of these workers will leave the workforce and will need to be replaced.
In Michigan welders start at $13 an hour and can earn as much as $26 an hour. (www.mitalent.org)
GMCA has been working in collaboration with area high schools and the Midland County ESA on the development of a Career & Technical Education (CTE) program in the construction trades. Twelve juniors and seniors from Bullock Creek, Meridian and Coleman have been attending GMCA daily from 7:30 – 9:30am as part of their school day. Students have completed the Core curriculum, which is a pre-requisite for any trade and consists of basic safety and construction information and are now on their level one training in either Electrical or HVAC. With the awarding of this grant Welding will be added to the available trades offered to these students.
The certifications students receive at GMCA while still in high school give them the jump start they need to enter the workforce sooner. Joining the CTE program as a junior would provide a graduating senior a nationally recognized second-year certification in their trade. Students would
then be able to find employment with a local construction company and complete the remainder of their training through the traditional GMCA classes offered one evening a week, saving them time AND money.
“The growth projected in our CTE program is astounding. We have students already registered for the 2015-16 school year and more school districts coming on board to enhance their education and training. In the fall we will be not only welcoming back students from our current schools but additional students from Midland public schools and other area high schools.” said Bridget Sadenwater, CTE Director at the Greater Michigan Construction Academy
The GMCA welding lab committee will be meeting next week to begin the work that will make the welding lab a reality. The project will take place over the summer and be utilized in August with the start of the Fall semester.
The GMCA Board of Directors is extremely excited to be a part of an organization that is making strides in construction trades training. “I would like to say on behalf of our Greater Michigan Construction Academy (GMCA) and on behalf of our Board of Directors, It is GREAT to be a part
of a community where its business LEADERS get behind educating its community. I have had the opportunity to work in many areas throughout Michigan, as well as out of state, and we are just very lucky to have Midland community leadership, compassion, and foresight to understand the future. The difference that we can make is unlimited if we put our minds to it. I was always told growing up that – You get more than you give when you give more than you get – now I know what that means. THANK YOU to The Herbert H. & Grace A. Dow Foundation.” – David C. Mollitor, Chairman, GMCA Board of Directors.
For more information on pre-requisites and class fees contact GMCA at (989) 832-8879, sdavis@gmcacademy.org or visit our web site at www.gmcacademy.org
GMCA’s mission is to Educate thru collaboration of the Construction Industry. Our Membership, Employees, and Communities; to develop Professional Workplace Competencies and Skills while promoting the Construction Industry as a Career Choice. For more information contact us at 989.832.8879 or sdavis@gmcacademy.org