Apply to be an Instructor Greater Michigan Construction Academy > Apply to be an Instructor * Name (First, Middle Initial, Last) * Street Address * City * State * Zip Code * Employer Name * Cell Phone Pager Home Phone Work Phone Fax * Email Did you complete craft training through GMCA or ABC’s Construction Academy? YesNo If yes, which craft? Year Completed Education/Training Other relevant education/training Degree or Certificate Major or Area of Study Graduation or Completion Year Other relevant education/training Degree or Certificate Major or Area of Study Graduation or Completion Year Have you ever taught before? YesNo If yes, what was taught, where and when? License Number (craft) if applicable License issuance date Journeymen YesNo Number of years in craft Additional relevant work experience Acknowledgements (please read the following paragraphs below), then sign and date if applicable. As part of my instructional requirements, I understand that I must be a “certified instructor” through Greater Michigan Construction Academy to teach the NCCER curricula. I will be required to attend the NCCER Instructor Certification Training Program (ICTP). If employed, I will supply Greater Michigan Construction Academy with a copy of any degrees, certifications, licenses, or other credentials held which will demonstrate my abilities to teach in this program. * Signature (type full name) * Date Please leave this field empty. Δ Skilled Trades training has benefited me by opening up opportunities at different companies that wouldn’t even take a second look if I hadn’t had a formal, post-secondary education. It gives me a leg up on anyone who just has a high school diploma. Adam Emery, Pipefitter & Millwright, GMCA Alumni